It is with much regret Bunker 13 must announce a breakdown in communication between The Central Grange resident’s management company (The Kenton Management Company) and their chosen residential management agents Brannen & Partners who manage the development on their behalf. This has led to Bunker 13 being locked out of the bunker simply due to their total refusal to communicate with us. Totally unnecessary when a simple meeting could have solved all alleged health and safety issues and we could have moved forward working together.
As a result of being prevented access moving forward, we were forced to remove our dehumidifiers from the bunker which were preventing further damage to the original fixtures and fittings also consequently our internal caretaking work has stopped. This is of EXTREME concern as the flood prevention pumps within the bunker that were fitted after the catastrophic flooding of approx. 7 years ago, now require urgent attention. The most important pump failed last week just prior to us being locked out. The emergency battery backup system is also not functioning for these pumps.
The last flooding of the bunker happened when the previous management company took the same action preventing us from monitoring internal conditions within the bunker. Let us hope for the sake of the bunkers historic original interior this doesn’t happen again but also for the residents of Central Grange who are responsible for footing the bill for pumping out the building and costly repairs to a Grade 2 historic building. The last pumping out was carried out F.O.C by T&W Fire service but they stated they would not be able to do it again for free. The costs at that time would have been approx. £400 per fire tender per hour and we had 8 tenders on site for a period and at least 4 tenders all day.
Rest assured we are doing all we can to regain access to the bunker and continue our preservation work however this is a serious setback that has far reaching implications to our ability to continue with funding applications potentially halting the whole preservation process.
To any residents of CENTRAL GRANGE reading this we will keep you informed about A NEW RESIDENTS group being formed. We have heard many of you are not happy with the management company not listening to your concerns and issues we have found this ourselves please support the new group. This new group will make sure your voice is heard.